Accreditation of the Contactors

You should fill-in all boxes of the accreditation form. Response with confirmation of accreditation of your company or refusal of accreditation will be sent to the e-mail address of the contact person, as well further information concerning personnel accreditation / badges


Information about your company

(the payer is a resident)

(the payer is a nonresident)
Organization: *
Tax payer No.(INN): *
KPP: *
Country: *
Mailing address: *
Legal address: *

Information about your company

Position of CEO: *
Name, surname of CEO: *
Phone number: *
Fax: *
E-mail: *
Web site:

Contact information of the person responsible for participation in MAKS-2021

Last name: *
First name: *
Middle name:
Position of the contact person: *
E-mail of the contact person: *
Phone number of the contact person: *



Contact us if you have questions.
